Bring Back the Horse's Instincts

Bring Back the Horse's Instincts

I respect and honor the way horses are made – they are different – unique, really. In a suitable, native environment, they are quite capable of taking care of themselves. They are free to eat and roam and, well, be horses. Domestication involves removing them from their natural setting, but that doesn’t change who they are. Horses have physiological and mental needs and those needs are being ignored.

Wholistic with a "W"

Wholistic with a "W"

The more I began to ask myself and the experts questions, the more I discovered many of the answers did not make much difference in my animal companions’ well being.  Much of what I was doing was what I was told was right.  Not much of it worked, by firsthand experience. I figured there had to be something out there – just one thing - that could enhance the lives of my animals.

Benefits to Horses of Free Feeding and Slow Feeding

Benefits to Horses of Free Feeding and Slow Feeding

One of the biggest detriments to the domesticated equine is the loss of environment that allows them to forage for food as they were designed to do.  Studies suggest that, in the wild, horses spend 90% of their time eating; or, walking in search of food.  Scarce supply and many miles of walking aids in digestion, prevents gorging, colic, ulcers, and other digestive upsets.